Guards and Wards ( protect your Tower even more, can be made permanent within one year. or even saing a password.) Planar binding ( alow you to have semi permanent guardians of extraplanar nature.) Permanent teleportation circle ( by casting the spell every day for a year, you get a permanent place to teleport to close to your tower, or inside it.) Gliph of warding + teleportation spells ( create a fast escape route by just touching or steping on a specific brick, object or place. Gliph of warding ( several) Gliph of warding + dispell magic on entrance ( triguer as someone enters it while under some ilusion or transmutation spell.) Gliph of warding + magic circle ( triguers as a creature of the apropriate type enters the area.) Gliph of warding + Ilusions ( several usefull triguers, to warn, greet or scare away.) Hallucinatory Terrain ( to change the layout entirely, hide doors, entrances and rooms, create fake doors and change the apearance to something that might be usefull, like abandoned place, rich place, or even create ilusions of dangers to be avoided.) Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum ( protects the tower from divination, teleportation and planar invasions.) Gliph of warding + Animate Objects ( make your furniture defend your tower.) Gliph of warding + Dominate Person ( make the invader attack his friends or activate traps.) Every wizard tower will have the folowin spells cast on apropriate places:Īlarm.