
Mass effect 3 multiplayer best class
Mass effect 3 multiplayer best class

mass effect 3 multiplayer best class

  • Regenerating Shield, Static Health: Everyone save for the vorcha and the Krogan Warlord, who have regenerating shields, regenerating health.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Those that aren't professional soldiers.
  • Even while in a team, each player will inevitably rack up a significant killcount before the mission ends.
  • Even on Bronze difficulty, you're required to rack up a body count of close to two hundred enemies.
  • Multinational Team: One can play as pretty much any non-extinct, non-completely enslaved, post-spaceflight race short of Elcor, Rachni, or Hanar (yes, even the Volus).
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Sixty characters in total with ability sets, rising to sixty-six when factoring in two genders for the six basic human characters.
  • As the teams were originally organized and lead by N7 personnel, the teams have come to be known as "N7 Special Ops" Alliance Command has allowed them to keep the name in acknowledgement of the positive effect it has on morale.

    mass effect 3 multiplayer best class

  • Elites Are More Glamorous: The in-game description states that the Alliance is recruiting anyone and everyone, regardless of race, to combat the Reapers.
  • The Cameo: Several of the multiplayer characters appear on leave in the Citadel DLC.
  • Battle Cry: Most of the characters have one for their respective homeworld.
  • Badass Crew: When playing as a team of course.
  • Debatable for asari, however, considering their "gender".
  • Action Girl: The female characters, of course.

  • Mass effect 3 multiplayer best class